My name is Dawn and I am fully qualified acupuncturist and member of the Acupuncture Council of Ireland, a professional regulatory body for acupuncturists practicing in Ireland. I came to study acupuncture, having personally experienced it's powerful effects for the treatment of a chronic illness and I love that it is a safe and holistic treatment for a wide variety of conditions. I look forward to working with you, to help you feel better!
I studied acupuncture with Dr. Vincent Carroll in Lansdowne College of Acupuncture and Complimentary Medicine in Dublin. After graduating I completed a post-graduate placement in the National Hospital of Traditional Medicine in Hanoi, Vietnam's leading traditional medical hospital and World Health Organised (WHO) accredited programme. While there, I treated a wide variety of cases, including: pain, particularly back pain, arthritis, insomnia, headaches, depression, stroke and accident induced paralysis, skin conditions, side-effects of cancer treatments and digestive issues, including gout and obesity.
Additionally, I hold a Diploma in Nutrition Advice for Complementary Therapists and use this, along with lifestyle advice in my practice, providing clients with a well-rounded, holistic approach to help them feel better.
Continuing Professional Development
I love learning and am continuously attending courses, learning new skills and updating existing skills. In particular, over the past number of years I have continued to expand my acupuncture skills and have attended courses in Distal Needling Acupuncture (DNA) with Robert Doane and Tungs Acupuncture with Philip Weeks. I have also completed further studies in Abdominal Acupuncture with Dave Shipsey. All of these courses are run by practitioners who are leaders in their field and have further developed these systems of acupuncture to help treat more and more complex pathologies, helping to modernise this ancient medicine.
I have recently received my Diploma in Chinese Herbal Medicine and look forward to using this as another component to my practice to help clients feel great.